Language (Polyglot) Goals for 2021🎉

I love making plans and goals, and I’m never able to stick to them. So I designed a new sort of plan. It’s a plan for the next T E N years:

Chinese from A2 to C1 (it might take me 1000 hours)
Korean A1 to C1 (1000 hours)
Japanese A1 to B2 (1000 hours)
Russian A2 to C1 (600 hours)
Slovak A2 to C1 (600 hours)
Swedish A2 to C1 (300 hours)
Spanish A2 to B2 (200 hours)
Dutch A1 to B2 (300 hours)
Esperanto A1 to B2 (200 hours)
Turkish A1 to B2 (600 hours)
Hebrew under A1 to B2 (600 hours)
Arabic, Persian and Bengali without goals or hours.

If I estimated the hours correctly and if I work 2 hours every day, I might reach this goal :smiley:
So my short time plan is just sticking to the 2 hours daily (on average).
I don’t plan to take any tests, by C1 I just mean being able to talk about almost anything fluently, and being able to understand videos, newspapers, etc. They should be like my French and Italian.
But I might concentrate on improving my speaking skills in Slovak (I’ve made good progress during the last three weeks with a language exchange partner) and trying to do the same for Korean, Chinese and Swedish (that’s what I’ve been trying to do during this Conference, and I’ll go on, maybe just with selftalk, but language exchange partners are welcome, too, I can offer German and Hungarian).


Hallo Jen, ich weiß noch nicht genau, wie viel Zeit ich dafür habe, aber im Prinzip hätte ich gern eine Sprachpartnerin für Chinesisch. Meine Muttersprache ist Deutsch :slight_smile:


ich will auch B1 erreichen, aber gibt’s keine Kurse oder Prüfungen mehr wegen der Pandemie, also habe ich Französisch lernen inzwischen angefangen :’(

I’m also not one to actually follow through with a specific “language plan” when I set a level as a goal, but still love setting those goals and plans… :confused::thinking:

I think I am going to go about this a little differently…

Before the closing ceremony, I would have simply said “strengthen my connection to the polyglot community and my communities for my languages”. In light of the ceremony, that is a much clearer and more attainable goal!

I’d like to be optimistic about Cholula next year and add in the goal of learning some Nahuatl and improving my (Mexican) Spanish before then to enrich the experience and connect with more people.

I’d love to combine these goals and connect with more of the Polyglot community over the next year while we explore Nahuatl! @polyglotconference is there a way to get these forums to support more Nahuatl community connection? Like add a Nahuatl 2021 category, or something like that? Just spit-balling here…


I’m not sure if I’ll be able to meet all of these goals, but I’d like to:

  • Improve Spanish to B2
  • Improve French and Portuguese to B1
  • Improve Dutch and Japanese to A2
  • Start learning Slovene and reach A1

Ich habe großen Respekt vor deinen Sprachzielen. Je suis toujours dispo pour pratiquer le chinois. J’ai une bonne connaissance de la grammaire, les tons, l’accent et l’écriture et bien que ce ne soit pas ma langue maternelle, je me sens très à l’aise avec la langue.

Je vais essayer aussi d’écrire mes objectifs pour l’année prochaine, même si normalement je fais ce que je veux parce que que j’ai beaucoup de motivation de pratiquer les langues car je crée la nécessité de ces langues dans ma vie (à travers du travail, de correspondance avec des amis, livres que je veux lire, candidatures pour résidences d’art, etc)

Français, finir d’écrire mon dossier artistique complet en français, terminer un petit livre de poésie que je suis en train d’écrire en français ; lire un livre sur les règles d’écriture et grammaire, réussir un examen C2, faire mes candidatures pour l’école ; correspondance avec des amis et famille.

English, translate a book of poetry from Chinese into English

Deutsch, jeden Tage eine Buchseite lesen, zehn Minuten lang die Nachrichten hören, jede Wochen üben mit Sprachpartner, Kafka lesen, nach deutschsprachige Universitäten untersuchen. Deutsche Grammatik und Schreiben, sind für mich sehr schwierig.

Español, cada día hacer una clase para mis hermanas, les escribo y corrijo historias, leer más, escuchar más podcasts, hablar con amigos, leer algo de gramática, continuar de tomar mis clases de baile en español

Portugês, leia mais, procurar um emprego como pintor de bodas em Portugal

中文, 写和修改关于艺术的文章,写诗,读诗,学习历史

Italiano, praticare con gli amici, scrivere e correggere i messaggi per i miei cari amici, leggere e ascoltare notizie e conti


Maintenant à cause de la conférence, j’ai beaucoup envie d’étudier d’autres langues que j’ai déjà un peu étudiées ou que j’ai toujours voulu étudier telles que :
indonésien, nahuatl, russe, bulgare, grec moderne, coréen, tibétain, hindi, arabe, mongol, napolitain, cantonais, finnois, norvégien, basque, vietnamien, kréol haïtien, basque, hébreu, breton, etc. Je voudrais commencer l’une de ces belles langues dans l’année 2021 mais je n’ai pas toujours pris ma décision.


Well, I have no super lofty goals at the moment except to get my Irish up to a B2 level and that may take more than a year, considering that I want to:

  • get comfortable with more fluent conversation in the Connacht Irish dialect I’m learning
  • and get more up to speed understanding Ulster Irish and Munster Irish better
  • be able to read a novel straight through without looking anything up until after I’m finished
  • attend as many Zoom conversation circles and “pop-up Gaeltachts” as possible

In the meantime allow myself to listen to more Russian and Spanish podcasts to at least bring my comprehension levels back up to their previous B2 levels 35+ yrs ago.

That’s probably all this brain can handle at the moment. :wink:




Puedo ayudarte con el español si así lo deseas! :slight_smile:

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Wow! This community consist of the most enthusiastic people I’ve ever known! Your goals are so inspiring!
Well, this year I decided to focus on french alone, and hopefully by the end of 2021 move to a C2. I like the pace at which I’m Moving.

For Swahili, a move to C2 . Swahili happens to be the easiest language for me to learn because it’s very similar to my mother tongue (Bemba).

Spanish, just an A1. I want to begin learning this one next year.

ASL/or BSL, an A2. This also is another language I’m starting to learn in 2021.
All the best to all of you!!


That is such a nice thread idea! I wish I could be productive enough, but final season is approaching!.. I still have some goals set for the next year though!

None of them are about reaching a particular level, rather than being able to do certain things.

  • English :uk:- I aim to be able to write more complexly and use more advanced grammer structures. Aside from that, maybe improve my spelling and add some more words to my vocabulary.
  • Spanish :es:- get more comfortabe speaking, find a method that will help me learn verb conjucation better and finish reading some books I have in spanish!
  • Romanian :romania:- I’m not the kind of language learner who likes to learn multipul languages at the same time, but learning Romanian is such a big dream of mine. Even if it’s not active study of grammer, I aim to hold a basic conversation: introduce myself, ask and answer simple questions like “how are you?” and such.

That’s all for now! Best wishes & good luck to everyone!
Thanks! Gracias! Multumesc! תודה!


נעמה: בוקר טוב. יש לי חומר שתוכל ללמוד רומנית בקלות. @Monet

Well, we do have a thread about languages of the Americas here

And you can also simply create a thread for the Nahuatl language in the “Non-English Threads” section of the forum (I thought there was already a thread for it) as well. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, @MultilingualBronxite – I will do that for now. Threads can be buried pretty easily though, which is why I was thinking a channel might allow multiple Nahuatl threads to form and coalesce more easily, but maybe that’s a bit lofty, as I’m not sure how many people are interested in learning Nahuatl over the next year.

I just feel like we have an opportunity here to hive everyone a better chance for success if we all shared our journey with each other.

Imagine a world where every year a bunch of polyglots learned an indigenous / minority language, at least to a basic level, and converged on a location speaking that language with the locals. But something like that would take some ongoing marketing and generation of excitement. :joy::thinking: Maybe I’ll start a new thread on it.


Yes @Alexander, they did that in the past with some introductory courses leading up to some of the other Polyglot events, I believe.

Definitely. But I’m sure a fair few of is would be interested in a slightly longer / deeper learning of the language. I mean, I am thinking of starting Nahuatl a little in the next month and start learning more throughout the whole year. I’m not saying what the PC has been doing doesn’t count. Far from it. “And” not “or”.

I went ahead and posted on this to move the convo into its own thread: Nahuatl 2021

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Yes, I get your point, especially as there is a longer lead-in, allowing for deeper learning.

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I’m not sure if I’ll be able to meet all of these goals, but I’d like to:

  • Improve Spanish to B2
  • Improve French and Italian to B1
  • Improve Mandarin/Korean and Japanese to C2
  • Get confident speaking in English
  • Start learning Hindi and reach A1

I would love to brush up on my Spanish and get it to at least B2 level. The other goal is to get the HSK4 certificate in the first months of 2021.


Thanks for such an encouraging and diverse thread!

Since I am still hopelessly devoted to Persian, my goal for the year ahead is to continue building confidence with being conversational and improve my comprehension.

While these aren’t particularly measurable, for those who have seen my presentation, I have a number of smaller, measurable goals and ways to track my progress. These are still serving me very well, which is keeping me motivated, too!