There will be weekly Japanese 日本語 and Korean 한국어 language exchanges every weekend (Saturdays and Sundays), 11am - 1pm (London time)/8pm - 10 pm (JST/KST) starting next week. Everyone is welcomed regardless of proficiency level. You do not have to come every weekend, just come when you want to
Korean 한국어 : Sat (8pm - 9pm), Sun (9pm - 10pm) Japanese 日本語 : Sat (9pm - 10pm), Sun (8pm - 9 pm)
Korean/Japanese lessons (Depending on what you want to learn)
Korean/Japanese Q&A sessions
and any other activities you are interested in (Korean/Japanese related)
Please come and join us if you are learning/interested in Japanese and Korean. Native speakers are definitely welcomed! See you guys soon! 주말에 봐요! じゃあまた!
We will start our weekly Korean and Japanese language exchange next weekend, Korean 한국어 : Sat (8pm - 9pm), Sun (9pm - 10pm) Japanese 日本語 : Sat (9pm - 10pm), Sun (8pm - 9 pm)
so those interested, please feel free to come chat with us in the Venus Room.
여러분 이따 (런던시간) 오전 11시에 만나요! 皆さん、で後(ロンドン時間)昼の12時に会いましょう!
See you guys later (for those who can make it) in the Venus Room at (UK time) 11am for Korean 한국어 and 12 noon for Japanese 日本語!
皆さん、で後(ロンドン時間)午前11時に会いましょう! 여러분 이따 (런던시간) 오후 12시에 만나요!
See you guys later (for those who can make it) in the Venus Room at (UK time) 11am for Japanese 日本語 and 12 noon for Korean 한국어!
여러분 안녕하세요! 이번 토요일날(21일)에는 제가 여러분들에게 한국 지역별 음식, 축제, 관광지와 사투리를 소개해 드리는 세션이 진행할 예정입니다. 여러분들은 한국에 대한 궁금해 하시는 것들도 제가 세션에서 풀어드리겠습니다. 한국에 여행을 가고 싶으시거나 한식이나 한국 축제나 한국 사투리에 관심 있으신 분들은 이번 토요일날(21일) 런던시간 아침 11시에 비너스룸으로 놀러 오세요!
그럼 토요일에 뵈요!
Hello everyone! I will be doing a sharing session this Saturday on provincial Korean cuisine, festivals, tourist attractions and dialects. I will also answer the questions that were posted to me here and via DM, as well as the questions that you have during the session. Those who want to travel to Korea, or are interested in Korean food, Korean festivals, or Korean dialect, please come and have fun with us in the Venus Room at 11 a.m. London time this Saturday, 21 Nov!