Does anyone know of any young people's language groups?

Hi all,
I’ve seen quite a few young people here at the Polyglot Conference, which is amazing!

I was wondering if any of you know of, or are a part of a group for young people who love languages? If so, would you send me links to them?
I would be really interested in joining a few, and meeting even more people of a similar age to me.

Thank you! ¡Gracias!


I know Mari Polyglot runs The Polyglot Union. I don’t know the ages of the groups, but she herself is fairly young.


Thanks, I’ll look into this!

From my experience, people in Discord are pretty young. A lot of them are between 15 and 19 (I feel kind of out of place, being 30).

Here’s the link for the Spanish Learning Discord server:

I’m pretty sure there’s a Mandarin server too but I’m not part of it. I think I know someone who’s in it, I can ask for the invite link if you want to :slight_smile:

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Great, thanks! I would fit perfectly into that age range.

how old you consider as young, lol

I would say mostly teenagers to young adults. So about 13-19 maybe?

There might be some on HelloTalk. I joined one for French, but I’m pretty sure there’s lots of others. The people on my group are all in that age range.


I am 24 and I agree that it is uncommon to see many “millenials” being deeply interested in language learning and I haven’t find many friends who love languages as much as I do in my community even if they speak at least two. No triste como lo es irónico haha.

However, depending on the country you are you will find many and lots of persons who started learning more than one or two languages since youth. Which is the case of people of my age I’ve met from Belize, Curaçao, Haiti, South Africa, etc.

I am not familiar with any language “only” spoken by “jounger people” and hence it is “for them/us” but I reccomend you might find some if you make a list whith the languages that are have displaced others or which are part of a cultural revival pride wave.
Some examples:

Languages which have displaced others:
Lingala is wining most of the Congo region as far as I know, Ivorian Nouchi French is getting more popular “and Ivorian music is good for showing this, mais coupé decalé est mieux pour danser”…
While both Australian Kriol and PNG’s Tok Pisin had sadly displaced many indigenous languages and might be prefered over English which means that some of the people in northern Oz and most of PNG now speaks a diferent language than their parent’s and granfather’s generations.

Some cultural rebirth or identity recovery languages ? well :
New Zealand’s Maori or Mexico’s Nahuatl.

Greetings / saludos : D.

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See here for links to my Discord servers: Join My Polyglot Discord Server!

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Thank you! I’ll take a look.

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Hi Maisy, I’m 18. If you ever want to meet in any of the langauge rooms, I’m available. We would just have to arrange a time or day.

Best regards,


I am also a teenage language learner. :blush:
If you’re looking for other ways to meet teenage polyglots, I would recommend Instagram, because there is quite a community dedicated to language learning and the study of languages there.
It’s super interesting to know other teenage polyglots perspectives, methods and thoughts on learning a language!


I’m 17 so this post is really helpful, thanks Maisy for making it!

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Hi Rafael! It was nice to meet you yesterday. :blush:

Hi Naama,
I hadn’t actually thought of Instagram! That’s a good idea.
I agree that it’s interesting to learn about other peoples methods and thoughts, particularly if they are also teenagers!
Do you have any recommendations of Instagram accounts that are good to follow?

Hi Kai!
I’m glad you find it useful. Hopefully we can all enjoy being a part of a young people’s language community. :blush:

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Also, to all the teen language learners who see this thread, a question-
How do you all balance language learning with everyday school assignments? Do you find it difficult to find the time to study?


I recommend @Quu_tea on instagram, she’s a also a teen language learner!

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That’s a very good question… Personally I haven’t had such an issue yet because I’ve just started A levels here in England, I would just say that podcasts come in really useful for the journey to school, as well as flash cards. Also, I think I do much more formal studying of grammar and stuff on a weekend.