LangFest Activities 2021 (including uTalk Quiz!)

Hi Tetsu,

it’s a beat strange that you can’t find my submission - I sent it Sunday evening and, as I said, on Monday I received an E-mail from your team and sent a reply. Actually I wrote one more time at Tuesday morning, and after that I posted the message here.

So, 20 minutes is not so much, but if it’s the only one possible solution, then Ok.

The tittle is “German, I love you!”
Description: during my study at the musical university as a classical singer I decided to perform more German repertoires, but it was so difficult to memorize German texts without any knowledge of language. For that reason, I started to learn it, and so began my story with this beautiful language six years ago. I also have experience in Italian, Chinese and Spanish, but German is my favourite. I’ll talk about how I reached the c1 level without any courses and private lessons, how music and literature help me learn languages, share my learning and teaching experience, give you some recommendations about good textbooks and internet-resources. Now I study at the university in Austria, because I got a scholarship from my Russian university where I’m completing a master’s degree in German linguistics. End of this year by one of the leading Russian publishing houses will be issued my own textbook for German learners. I’m going also to tell some words about how and why I created it. I hope that my story can encourage more people to learn this language.

And I also would like to ask you about making a recording of my speech if it’s possible.

Hi everyone, just wondering what the topic for the next uTalk quiz (which presumably is tomorrow) is - given my recent results, I’ve realised I may need to revise a bit.


@Emily @charlottee can you answer pls?

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I’ll be posting it in this thread :point_right: uTalk Quiz Scores in the next 30 minutes or so, so keep an eye out there! :wink:

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Thanks for your understanding. I’m sorry I don’t know what happened, but I simply do not see your submission on our Google Form. Even less mysterious is that you got an answer from us, because I’ve asked our volunteers about it and noone seems to know. Perhaps you could forward the answer to me

As for recording, please remind me or the moderator at the session, and we’ll ask everyone in the room before recording.

It looks like I can’t attach any screen here, but I received An E-mail from with tittle “Your proposal to speak” which said:

Hello there,

Thanks for proposing a topic for the programme. Unfortunately we cannot schedule anything without a day and time. Grateful if could you give us a time for this purposes and we will happily schedule it for you.

All the best,


And I sent two E-mails for this adress.

Hi Alisa,

There seems to be some misunderstanding. As per the title of this thread, the Topic Rooms is an activity organized by LangFest within the Polyglot Conference, and the link to submit your proposal is in the post at the very top.

But anyway, it’s fine, we were able to provide you a spot. The time and descriptions are here:

Talk soon.

Hi Tetsu,

thank you, now I can see my name at the Google-document. I hope, the tittle and the description that I posted here will be published also on the site.

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