We are multilingual! Please help create awareness about multilingualism!

   Hi guys!

In this post, I would like to tell you about a website called www.wir-sind-vielsprachig.de (We are Multilingual).

Information about the website www.wir-sind-vielsprachig.de (“We are multilingual”)

What is “Wir sind vielsprachig” (“We are multilingual”)?

On the interactive website www.wir-sind-vielsprachig.de , you will find real stories (short thoughts and observations) about people and their languages and ways of speaking. What do your languages mean to you? What experience have you gained with your ways of speaking?

What does “Wir sind vielsprachig” (“We are multilingual”) want?

Sometimes, people are judged by their language or way of speaking by others. This experience is not always good. For example, people are perceived as funny, strange or even stupid. The way in which they speak is then more important than what they actually say. It happens not only to certain individuals but to many people: in their daily lives or at work. Together with you, we want to draw our attention to this subject and to show our linguistic diversity! The purpose is to gather more than 100 stories and to publicly report about the subject. Your voice counts!

How does the website work?

On the startup page, you see fields in different colours. If you click on a dark blue field, for example “So witzig, wie du sprichst!” (“It sounds so funny when you speak!”), a real story about this subject will be opened. In the light blue fields, there are short thoughts for reflection. Under the orange fields, you receive information.

In the header, you see three icons. If you click on the house, you will come back to the startup page. If you click on the four little squares, you will see all the fields from the category “Infos und Impulse” (“Info and thoughts”). If you click on the icon with the person, you will see all the fields from the category “Ihre Geschichten” (“Your stories”).

You can participate like this:

Click on the grey field “Ich” (“I”) and send us your story. It depends on you in which language you want to tell your story. You can also send us a video (a link) with a transfer platform. We will link the video on the website through our YouTube channel. We are making our website accessible: we are starting with two videos in sign language and a version for blind and visually impaired people. In addition, we pay attention to short and understandable sentences. We would be glad to receive your story!

Who are we?

The institution Fachstelle Interkulturelle Öffnung advises, trains and supports organisations in the areas of diversity and multilingualism. You will find more information on our website: www.fs-ikoe.de

Please right us an e-mail: ikoe@awo-mittewest-thueringen.de or call us: 03641/3102912.
I would be gad for our collaboration!

    Hi guys!

Just a comment about the institution Fachstelle Interkulturelle Öffnung: the developer of this website. Maybe, you wonder what I have to do with this institution. I did an internship there from September 2020 till February 2021 and helped with the development of this website which always can be updated by your stories in ANY LANGUAGE! It doesn’t matter that the name of the website is in German! Every language is accepted! That’s why, I want to encourage you guys to tell your stories and contribute to the website!
The floor is yours, hyperpolyglots, polyglots, linguistic nerds, language enthusiasts, language teachers, EVERYONE! Your contribution to the website is really essential to me who was a part of the team of the institution called Fachstelle Interkulturelle Öffnung in Jena, Germany!
All the best,

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