
नमस्ते! मेरा नाम minyuan है। मैं चीनी हूँ, और मैं हिंदी सीख रही हूँ।
यहाँ कौन भारतीय है?


Hey Minyuan! मेरा नाम Ellie है, लेकिन मैं भारतीय नहीं, रुसी हूँ.
मैं भी हिंदी सीख रही हूँ! :blush: क्या आप कभी भारत गई हैं?

मैं भी रूसी बोलती हूँ!
मैं कभी भारत नहीं गया, लेकिन मैं भारत जाना बहुत चाहती हूँ।
अभी तुम कहाँ है?


बहुत बढ़िया! अपने रूसी के साथ शुभकामनाएँ।
मैं Russia में रहती हूँ.
पिछले साल मैं भारत गई थी. मैं वहाँ बच्चों को अंग्रेजी सिखा रही थी :heart_eyes:
तुम कब से हिंदी सीख रही है?

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Namaste Minyuan,
This is Anita and yes, I would be interested in joining a Hindi conversation group if you got anything going via Zoom. That would really motivate me to dig up the forgotten knowledge, however I am afraid that you are already too advanced.

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I’m very interested in connecting with you all! I have my Hindi studies on hold or another month or so as I study for a professional exam but after that I’m ready to get back into it! I’m a total beginner in terms of script but have been watching Bollywood for something like 10 years and have a number of close friends who are native speakers so I’ve been around the block.

Let’s connect on Facebook or other social media? and then we can set up a group

извини, मेरी हिंदी बुरी है :(( я только начала изучать хинди несколько месяца назад.

Sounds great! I also wanted to ask you which book/method you were using at Amherst?
I have the book: Spoken and written Hindi by Fairbanks and Misra from Cornell, but it’s old.
I studied more with the Elementary Hindi from Delacy and Joshi, both text- and workbook, and also have the Teach Yourself Hindi and a great set of Flashcards I found on Amazon.
The books are ready, now I need to find the time and motivation to relearn everything I have forgotten. And it’s sort of scary how radically things have been swept from my brain, haha. I hope there are some morsels left in my unconscious somewhere tucked away.

Fantastic Caroleza, let’s all connect! And good luck for your exam!
Where did your interest for Bollywood come from? And do you feel you learnt a lot from watching those films?

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Hi! My name’s Suprina and I’d also be interested in practising my Hindi. Any chances you would all like to meet on zoom this weekend? :smiley:

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Honestly, Bollywood just kind of fell into my life and I immediately felt drawn to the culture and language. I spent a fair amount of time in college watching movies and getting closer to south asian friends…took a hiatus for a few years, then fell into it again a few years ago. I listen to a fair amount of music from the Indian subcontinent nowadays, so understanding the language is even more important to me now.

There’s a fair amount you can learn from films, when you are paying attention. My background is in sociology, so I pay a hefty amount of attention to how people interact and communicate generally. I have learned some words, but more than words, I’ve learned how people express themselves. So much of language is cultural expression.

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I had much greater intentions to participate in the conference but work took over this past week and I haven’t been able to attend too much. I’d love to connect with you all–please feel free to e-mail: carol.brobeck@gmail.com.

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I no longer use social media, but would love to chat over zoom sometime and keep in touch! Feel free to e-mail: Carol.Brobeck@gmail.com

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I’m Anubhav and I speak हिंदी :slight_smile:

सभी को नमस्ते! मुझे भी हिंदी आती है