The Programme for 27th March 2021

Fel free to cite the title and person you’d like to aim questions at in our programme:

(Times in GMT)

07:00 - 07:45 - Multilingualism Changes Your Life - A Chat with Lindie Botes

09:00 - 09:45 - Reframing Language Education with Stu Jay Raj

10:00 - 10:45 - Life in Multiple Languages with Alex Rawlings

11:00 - 11:45 - Polyglot Workshops – What worked well? A chat with Olly Richards

12:00 - 13:00 - Thomas H Bak & Dina Mehmedbegovic: Healthy Linguistic Diet: Why Multilingualism is Good for ALL Ages

13:00 - 13:45 - Multilingual but Speechless - A Chat About Aphasia with Marcus Thang

14:00 - 15:00 - Day of Multilingualism - uTalk Quiz

15:00 - 15:30 - Richard and Benny – The Moses Project

15:30 - 16:30 - Most Effective Cure for Monolingualism in the World: Raise Multilingual Kids!

17:00 - 17:45 - Mahya Mirsadeghi and Multilingual Iranian Life

18:00 - 18:45 - Incorporate Languages with Feelings Not Instructions with Marco Filippi

19:00 - 19:45 - Judith Meyer: A Life of Language Learning & Multilingualism

20:00 - 20:45 - HYPIA (Hyperpolyglot International Association)

21:00 - 21:45 - Multilingualism in an Indigenous Context with Anja Spilker

Sign up is here, if you didnt go to Polyglot Conference Global:


This is one of the great disadvantages of living in an area running on PST, I am far too early to participate in everything. I didn’t catch it in any of the other announcements, but will the talks be recorded in any way to be able to see them later?


I’d also love to know as 7am GMT is the middle of the night for me too.


Hi Richard! I think the UTalk Multilingual Quiz is missing in the schedule in this post. The quiz is at 2 PM GMT.


Please note that Most Effective Cure for Monolingualism in the World: Raise Multilingual Kids! starts at 15:30 GMT (11.30 am NY, 3.30 pm London, 4.30 pm Paris)
Thank you Richard for inviting Raising Multilinguals LIVE to organise a panel on the Polyglot Conference platform. Ute Limacher-Riebold, Tetsu Yung and myself are excited to run the panel with yourself, Heather Kozioł, Shereen Sharaan and Thomas H Bak to mark this important day!


Great programme! Looking forward to it!

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Looking forward to all the fun activities tomorrow, what a line up!

I’ll be hosting the uTalk x LangFest quiz tomorrow at 2pm UK time with Charlotte (uTalk), Brian (uTalk) and Tetsu (LangFest)…we can’t wait to see you there!!


Great to see you at the uTalk x LangFest quiz earlier :slight_smile:

Here are our leaderboards for the top 10 in each round:

Round 1: Multilingual world, multilingual life

Round 2: Language relations

Round 3: Just how multilingual are you?!

Don’t forget we’re running a quiz at 2pm UK time on the last Friday of every month - so see you again at the end of April! :slight_smile: