Teddy, a Hokkien from Medan, living in Taiwan

Hello world! I work as a software engineer in Taiwan. I like to read about languages and cultures.


Hi Teddy!

Just listening to the Opening ceremony and exploring the Live environment. I see you’ll be hosting the Hokkien iTalki session tonight! I’m just getting my feet with Hokkien, i.e. Taiwanese Hokkien (Taigi). In your session tonight, will you be using Medan Hokkien or also look at Taiwanese Hokkien, as you live in Taoyun now?

Kind regards,

Ron (裴朗)

Hi, sorry I just saw your message now. Het spijt me.

Geen probleem. Het was erg leuk in de iTalki room en in het Maancafe! Ik ben pas met Hokkien begonnen (afgelopen maandag), maar het was fijn om naar jullie te luisteren. Ik spreek ook wat Mandarijns Chinees.

Ik ga nu slapen. Tot ziens! :slight_smile:

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Ik begrip alles. I understand everything that you wrote, but my Dutch grammar is still weak. Ok, have a good evening and see you around.

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