Previous vs. New Weekly Meetings


I hope this message finds you well. I was hoping to attend the meetings listed on the programme. The Spanish Meeting on 12 noon PST was empty, so I wasn’t sure if it was left over from last year’s Polyglot Conference.

Was anyone able attend either the French or Modern Standard Arabic Meetings on 11 Sept 7AM PST? Or were these a carry over from last year’s conference.

Please let me know in the thread below. I hope to meet some of you soon and attend some meetings in French, Spanish, and MSA.


Hi Sam,

I’m sorry the session was empty. I think that most of the schedule was established during, or shortly after, last year’s conference. People attend, and then drop off as the year progresses and other life commitments change. The language sessions will almost certainly regain momentum in October.


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No worries,

I also wanted to mention that the Sunday 7AM Standard Arabic and Sunday 7AM French are also inactive sessions. I dropped by both of them around 10 minutes after the start time and they were both empty. I am not sure who the host is and when it is returning but it might be helpful to remove them from the Programme until further notice. I look forward to any Standard Arabic or French sessions here at the Polyglot Conference.


Hey Sam, there are Arabic sessions on Saturdays, but they moved from the Polyglot Conference platform to a private zoom meeting. The session for this week has been cancelled, but there should be another one next week. It’s at 4 pm CEST.

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I hope everyone is doing well and ready to have some fun at the Polyglot Conference, both in person and virtually. I wanted to mention that the Sunday 7AM French and 7AM MSA sessions are not being held at this time. I dropped by both to practice but didn’t meet anyone unfortunately. Perhaps I will have better luck at the 8AM French listing.




I believe you are referring to Zeina’s Saturday MSA meetings which I am currently attending. Thanks for sharing.


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Hi @PolyglotSwag, I still come to the French practice on Sundays every now and then, unfortunately it is often empty these days as people are busy but at times there could be 2-4 people in the room (in fact a practice is happening now). I would usually make appointments as well to hang with the friends I met from the conference there. Hope you see someone in there soon if you ever check the room out again.


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Hi @Astari2 ,

Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m glad you got the chance to practice with others. Do you know around what time the event you joined and the session was active? I’m specifically talking about the event from 7AM to 8AM Pacific Standard Time on Sundays.



Hi Sam @PolyglotSwag, I’m referring to the 15.00-17.00 GMT / 08.00-10.00 PDT session on Sundays. During the time between Conferences people come and go so we weren’t meeting every week, but I wouldn’t say it is inactive. Given that this year’s Conference will start this weekend, it is likely that more people than usual will turn up.

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I’m excited to see if anyone turns up for one of the Thai sessions :smiley: I really need to practice speaking …

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@shasse The Thai sessions are still on-going! It’s just that most preferred to use other platforms so we’ve been doing it on Skype and Telegram. We’ll be moving back to the Conference platform for the duration of the Conference from this Sat to next Sun. Come join us! :smiley:


Aaaah, exciting, thank you for letting me know!! I checked the zoom room two out of three Fridays this month but figured it had just petered out/wound down … I’ll do my best to be there on Sunday!


Thanks for sharing! Hopefully I can meet others practicing French. I don’t get much time for French, so I hope to chat it up on Sundays with other eager language-learners.


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Yes, that’s the one I meant.

There’s a clash today, I think? Both Ukrainian and Thai are scheduled for Earth Exchange 1 at UTC+1 1pm … I’m gonna move to Earth Exchange 2 for Thai!


How was the Thai exchange today? คืนนี้ฉันต้องทำงานก็เลยมาไม่ได้เลย😔 เจอกันครั้งหน้านะคะ


สนุกดีค่าา :smile: มีสามคนเท่านั้น แต่สนุกจริงเหมือนกัน

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Anyone up for Thai today?

Are the Spanish meetings still happening ( 7pm GMT I think)?