Polyglot community as motivational key for high school language students

I would like to know some of your thoughts here. First, most of you know already that regular schools are not very effective concerning teaching languages. But many people succeed to learn how to speak fluently in other languages in real life. So some suggestions come to mind to be discussed:

  • video chat between polyglots and school classes
  • video chat between different language methods creators and students
  • materials prepared by polyglots (PowerPoint, texts, Youtube videos, audio files, etc) for school learners
  • organize availability of volunteer people around the world to video chat with students learning new language
  • give those infos to school teachers: seminars, online forum, video chat, etc
  • language specialists sharing knowloedge with school managers
  • language self-learners sharing their experience with schools

What are your opinions? Any other suggestions? Real projects like that has been done?


Hi Denis,

As a college student in the UK, I couldn’t agree more that the way languages are taught in school doesn’t do them justice. It’s thanks to the polyglot community existing that I’ve been able to really connect with language.

As a person interested in languages, all of these sound so interesting to me. However in order to spark a love for languages in young people I think the best way would be through talks like you are mentioning but for kids, not teenagers. Because I think the issue in my country at least is that languages aren’t a priority in teaching, you don’t really have to learn them until you are 11 here, and then you can drop them at 14. So I think it needs to be dedicated to a young audience, in hope of encouraging kids to learn languages.


Hi Denis,

This is a great initiative . I believe language video chats will be great. If you need help, I would be keen to volunteer as I believe Language is an important key to inclusion.


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Hi Denis

As a teacher of langauges in a school I totally agree that many students aren’t enthused by them. Sadly, this is because teachers are constrained in how we’re allowed to teach students. But it’s something I would like to do change.

Students need to have a REASON to learn them and sadly, for many that are native English speakers, they just don’t see the point. I really dislike this narrow-mindedness and it is something I’d love to change.

However, their motivation shouldn’t be just to pass an exam or get a qualification. I totally agree that what you’re proposing will enable students to feel more enthused and understand why learning a language is actually not only worthwhile but invalable.

I don’t think you (or I) will ever be able to enthuse ALL students, but if a programme like this could even help raise the profile of languages and help more students find their motivation then that would be a great start. I beleive that the more this happens the more we are likely to see a snowball effect.

One of my roles in school is to use raise ability and enthusiasm for “underperforming boys” (but also girls) via the use of technology and I would LOVE to get involved with a programme like this. Please DO reach out to me.

