Oi todo mundo!

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It’s me, Atallah from USA! About me: Hello, my name’s Atallah and my biggest hobby is language learning and cultures! I started learning languages when I was 12 when I got into K-pop. I’m 19 and am from the USA.

Olá, eu sou Atallah e meu hobby favorito é estudar idiomas e culturas! Eu comecei a aprender meu primeiro idioma quando tinha 12 anos porque eu foi interesse em kpop. Agora, tenho 19 anos e sou dos Estados Unidos. .

My native or near-native languages: English
My C1/C2 languages:
My B1/B2 languages: Português
My A1/A2 languages: Arabic
I also want to learn or have started to learn: Turkish

To find out more about me, you can visit https://.

Looking forward to talking with you all and sharing our love of languages!


Hi Atallah!

Hos geldin! I have studied Turkish on and off - what interested you in studying that language in the future?

You mention K-pop but don’t mention learning Korean - did you also study that for a while?


Olá!! Tudo bem? Por que você aprende português? se precisar de alguém para praticar estou por aqui :slight_smile:

Hi Atallah!
I’m Brazilian so I’m here if you need any help with Portuguese!
I’m currently learning Korean, and I got interested in it because of kpop - do you also study Korean?

Hello! Nice to hear you are going to learn Spanish, I’m native spanish speaker
I’ d loke to help!

Hello Heather! I’ve studied Turkish on and off too but I want to study it because I think it’s such a beautiful language in it’s words and structures! Also I’m very interested in Africa and the Middle East! And for Korean it was the first language I seriously studied because of how I discovered kpop, I did it for 3 years but progressed very very slowly. I have been thinking of giving it another try because last time I did about a year ago things seemed much easier. I think it was easier because of me studying Mandarin a bit! Right now, the languages I’d like to focus on are Portuguese, Arabic and Turkish for the future! Not all at once though so I’m only studying Arabic rn!

Muito obrigada! Estou estudando português porque acho que um idioma bonito! E também porque eu queria estudar um idioma que está falado em África e eu não quero estudar Francês! Mas eu gosto muito desse idioma!

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Hi Nathalia! Nice to meet you! I used to learn Korean but not anymore! I started learning it because I was interested in kpop too! Thank you for offering help too!

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Gracias Lourdes! Right now I am not focusing on Spanish but of course I’m still open to learning bits here and there for now!