はじめまして!o/ I'm Rachel, American in Japan


I’m Rachel, originally from the U.S. and now living in Kanazawa, Japan. I’m a (very, very) late bloomer and new to the community.

My mother tongue: English
My B1 language (JLPT N4, N3): 日本語
My A1 language: Español
I also want to learn or have started to learn: Deutsch

Looking forward to talking with you all and sharing our love of languages!


¡Hola Rachel y bienvenida!

Late or early - it doesn’t matter. :slight_smile: The main thing is to enjoy, explore, connect and keep going.七転び八起き :wink:

Einen schönen Gruß

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Good to meet you, @Rachel! I know some Japanese but my level is roughly A1. I know some words and sentences but not even to write them into Kanji or Hiragana.

I can help you to study Spanish if you want :slight_smile:

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Hey Rachel. I’m living in Hiroshima and studying Japanese/Spanish myself. Very glad to see your post here! Hope there are more things we can connect on. よろしくお願いします。 :)

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