Spelling SOCKS for the Spanish phrase: eso sí qué es
Righty-tighty, lefty-loosy to remember which way to turn a screw or cap
Every Good Boy Does Fine: to remember the order of notes on the lines of a music staff
Writing numbers (DUC): Decenes (tens) Unitats (units) Centenes (hundreds), also “duc” means “duke”). This means that the hyphen is written between tens and units, and between units and hundreds. For instance, setanta-quatre (seventy four), tres-cents (three hundred)… And not dos mil (two thousand).
Hyphen in compound words (Xeresa): Xeresa is a village in València. This means that, in compound words, there is a hyphen between the first “item” and the second one if the second “item” starts with X, R or S. For instance, “para-sol” (parasol, sunshade), “para-xocs” (bumper).