Mnemonics in your language

:uk: My very educated mother just served us noodles (used to be nine pizzas :wink:) - planets of the Solar System

Richard of York gave battle in vain - rainbow colors

Big elephants can always understand small elephants - spelling of because

:ukraine:Чому Пінгвіни Живуть Зимою Без Своїх Фантазій - rainbow colors

:ru:Каждый Охотник Желает Знать, Где Сидит Фазан - rainbow colors

:poland:Pamiętaj chemiku młody - wlewaj zawsze kwas do wody - pour acid into water, not the other way around

Let’s share examples of sentences to remember things in your language!


In school, to learn the math sequence of PAMDAS, we learned the mnemonic
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally :laughing:


Spelling SOCKS for the Spanish phrase: eso sí qué es
Righty-tighty, lefty-loosy to remember which way to turn a screw or cap
Every Good Boy Does Fine: to remember the order of notes on the lines of a music staff


that SOCKS thing was a game changer for me with Spanish when I worked in a restaurant back in the day


  • Writing numbers (DUC): Decenes (tens) Unitats (units) Centenes (hundreds), also “duc” means “duke”). This means that the hyphen is written between tens and units, and between units and hundreds. For instance, setanta-quatre (seventy four), tres-cents (three hundred)… And not dos mil (two thousand).
  • Hyphen in compound words (Xeresa): Xeresa is a village in València. This means that, in compound words, there is a hyphen between the first “item” and the second one if the second “item” starts with X, R or S. For instance, “para-sol” (parasol, sunshade), “para-xocs” (bumper).