Low - Intermediate Spanish chat

small and cosy company this week! ¡hasta la proxima!

@liaands @Elisa


Hi guys! Does anyone wish for a Spanish session for a different time? We have our Wednesday meeting, but it seems like many people cannot make that time, and maybe someone wishes to practice Spanish at a different time.

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Sorry that I couldn’t show up today. My wife went to work late today, so I spent the hour making and having breakfast. Next week should be much better for me. :slight_smile:

Sorry I didnt answer your request for times for Spanish - I have often turned up to the time for chat, and found no one there (Sunday night I think? EU time…) … I would like it if I could connect with a few people, but, like you said … there hasnt been much interest.


Ohhh, Sunday night. I think Suzana usually hosts that one. Sad to hear it’s not attended so much anymore. I host the Wednesday meetings, which I expected it would have much less people than the Sunday meetings, because of the time, but we have been busy as well, so the interest fell there too.

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I am here now for the Spanish chat but am alone. I haven’t been attending but I’ll try to come at least a bit more often

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I’m not sure anyone has been attending for a long time. Unfortunately.

hey @CateDeans, Linda and I do come by, and I’m here now

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I got late to the chat today but we practised for while with @marcus. :slight_smile:

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