Is my method any good ? how would you improve it?

I am new to language learning (bilingual but learned english while i was a kid so that doesn’t really count). i am now 19 yrs old and i became very passionate about language learning (zero specific reasons why).
I want to learn german to a B2-C1 Level, i understand that this is a journey/project that takes 2+ year to “finish”, but i think i have the tools to accomplish it.
What i DO NOT have is experience in language learning, so i don’t really now what works and what doesn’t.
From the past one month what i have been doing is:

  1. Learn ~20 new words everyday using anki.
  2. Read one chapter of a german grammar handbook weekly.

That’s it.
As you see i am completly ignoring immersion here (but maybe i can start it after finishing the grammar handbook), i also searched a lot about the goldenlist method but i read somewhere that it’s just weaker than anki in the aftermaths so i am not doing it.

What do you think about my method ?, if someone uses this method for 1 year, would this people reach B1-B2 ? even without immersion (active input and output). i really doubt it, so how would YOU add immersion to this method ? (Knowing that it’s not allowed to take more than 2 hours a day)
Apps ? iTalki ? Youtube ? Music ? what’s your favorite?


I just wanted to chime in and offer my thoughts. These are purely my experience, but maybe it will help.
I think that your method is a great way to learn vocabulary and grammar, but is lacking in the use of the language for enjoyment of the people, the culture, the content available. I actually chose to start learning German because of Rammstein. Having discovered how Germanic the English language is, I figured I could give it a go. So I just began with Duolingo and eventually found the Conference and I now have weekly conversations in German.

I feel like the best way to add input, although I don’t know what you mean by “not allowed”, is to find content that you enjoy. I listen to German music, I watch YouTube channels by German creators, I even occasionally read books in German. If you can add German based content into your normal routine, I think that is a good way to keep it around. I don’t mean that it necessarily has to be active input, you can just keep things on in the background.

A couple of the YouTube channels I recommend for learning German are:
-Easy German
-Get Germanized
-German with VlogDave (he’s my friend)
-fröhlich Deutsch
-Don’tTrustTheRabbit (she hasn’t done much new, but has a lot of good content)
-Dein Sprachcoach (more for learning pronunciation, but good)

And these are a few channels from German creators for listening practice:
-Dinge Erklärt - Kurzgesagt
-Let’s Talk Musik! - Reviews, Reactions & mehr
-DW Deutsch

Here are also some podcasts for listening practice:
-GerMany Podcasts
-The German Podcast

Apps that I have used for learning German:

One last thing that I did for practice was to play the game Fran Bow( a point and click adventure) in German.
Viel Glück mit Ihrem Studium!



Learning new vocabulary and familiarizing yourself with the grammar are both important parts of learning a language; however, they are not everything. Vocabulary helps acquire bits of language, but words can have different meanings in different situations. Also, idiomatic expressions may not mean what the words suggest. Exposure to real-world content in the language can help ease your understanding of the subtleties of a language. Reading about grammar is also beneficial, but grammar has to be practiced. You will want to get comfortable with conjugations, word order, etc., to be able to apply the grammatical rules of the language when you communicate.

When you say that you “want to learn German to a B2-C1 level,” what does that mean to you? Do you want to speak at this level, listen to content at the B2-C1 level, read at this level, or write at this level? Or maybe all four skills: speak, listen, read, and write? Or do you want to pass a B2 or C1 exam for German? Clarifying your goal can help to direct your focus.

Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are all four important skills in learning a language (when applicable to the specific language, allowing variations for sign languages, languages that may not be written, etc.). To develop proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, practice each of these skills. You do not have to do each skill each day, though, and you do not even have to do all four at once. Some language learners prefer to start with “input” (reading and/or listening) and then later progress to “output” (speaking and/or writing). Others like to focus on oral skills (speaking and listening) first, then progress to written skills (reading and writing), or vice versa. The point is that practicing the language is necessary for proficiency. I 100% agree with Tiffany’s comments. Finding content that you enjoy is important. If it’s interesting, it’s easier to stay motivated. Doing nothing but flashcards and grammar books will probably get boring very soon; try adding some variety to keep your interest.

If your goal is to pass a particular exam, you will also need to familiarize yourself with the exam content and format. Language proficiency exams tend to have requirements which do not exist in most real-world situations, such as time limits and minimum word counts.

I wish you the best with your language learning journey!


interesting information