Introducing uTalk, Topic Room (Venus Room) at 12.30 pm UK time on Friday


uTalk is keen to engage with the Polyglot community, particularly with speakers of minority, endangered and less-studied languages. We are constantly adding new languages to our app (Hawaiian was next on our list but the pandemic messed that up :frowning:) and are looking forward to working with members of the community as voice artists, translators, affiliate marketeers, language partners etc.

If you are interested, come over to the Venus Room at 12.30pm UK time on Friday to meet us!

Brian Loo
Linguist at uTalk

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Just bumping this thread. There will be a second session with Dick Howeson and the team from uTalk today at 12.30pm UK time in the Venus Room if anyone is interested. Topics to be discussed include minority and endangered languages, the uTalk app and our plans for the near future.

Come on over!
Brian Loo