Interested in Arabic (العربية) or Translation (الترجمة)?

Hi everyone!

If interested in either Arabic or Translation, kindly, check out my sessions below this weekend (starting Friday) and mark your calendars please.

I am really excited to discuss these topics with you and hope to see you all there!

مرحبا أصدقائي!

إذا كان أي منكم مهتمًا باللغة العربية أو الترجمة بشكل عام ، فيرجى المشاركة في الجلسات أدناه في نهاية هذا الأسبوع (بدءًا من الجمعة).

أنا حقًا متحمسة لمناقشة هذه المواضيع معكم جميعًا وآمل أن أرى الجميع!

Friday, 23 October 2020 at 11:00:00 EST
A Guide to Lebanese Arabic with Zeina
Zeina runs through the differences between Lebanese Arabic and MSA (Modern Standard Arabic). (language spoken: English with some Arabic for language-specific examples)

Saturday, 24 October 2020 at 10:00:00 EST
MSA discussion on Arabic in the Translation Industry -
This will be a guided Arabic (MSA) language practice session about the Arabic language in the translation industry. (language spoken: Arabic MSA)

Sunday, 25 October 2020 at 09:30:00 EST
Let’s talk Translation - An English Discussion for all Language Speakers -
A discussion about the translation industry, languages, its challenges, and its influence on our world. (language spoken: English)


Hi Zeina,
I’m glad I checked the program again, I almost missed the talk on translation!
I’ve been a freelance translator for 14 years and look forward to discussing translation with you and other conference attendees tomorrow.

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Thank you Christine! I am looking forward to meeting you :slight_smile:

I wanted to take a minute to sincerely thank each one of you, who attended these sessions.
It was such a pleasure getting to know everyone! You guys are such an inspiration :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I wish you the best of luck for your future, and if you like to remain in touch, you are welcome to send me your email (via DM) for future meetings that I plan to organize after the conference. :smiley:

أردت أن اشكر كل واحد منكم لحضور هذه الجلسات.
سررت جدا بالتعرف على الجميع!

فلنبقى على اتصال! يمكنكم ارسال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني عبر هذا الموقع لاضافتكم الى اجتماعات مستقبلية و التي أريد تنظيمها بعد المؤتمر.


Hi Zeina,

It was really a nice and informative session today. Thanks a bunch!


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You are very welcome! My pleasure :slight_smile:

@Robert17 (not sure if I tagged the right person here :slight_smile:)

I did not forget your questions on Lebanese Arabic resources.

I recommend that you please check out the following resources:

  • Book: Arabic vs. Arabic: A dialect Sampler (Amazon)
  • has incredible books that are specific to a few Arabic dialects, including Levantine.
  • Youtube Lebanese channels/programs:
    - Learn Lebanese Arabic with Hiba Najem
    - Shankaboot - a 40+ Lebanese fun film series in Lebanese Arabic

MSA Arabic:

  • A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic - Karin C… Ryding (Excellent resource to learn all the details of MSA grammar)

Free Language Learning App: LanguageLab (Excellent for Arabic and other languages)

I hope that helps :slight_smile:
Let me know if you need anything else!



Sukran jazeelan, Zeina! Have a beautiful Sunday! :smiley:

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Thank you Zeina!, Muchas gracias Zeina!, شكرا جزيلا زينة! You´re an amazing and cool girl!

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Thank you Carlo! Such an honor to be part of this here.

Wonderful virtually meeting you as well :smile:

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Hello everyone,

Since the conference has been extended for another 2 weeks, as you might have already heard, I am planning other Arabic meetups on planet Earth, in the Arabic room.

I am thinking about this Tuesday and Thursday at 10am EST.

Please, let me know who will be able to make it then!


بما أن تم تمديد المؤتمر لمدة أسبوعين آخرين، فلنلتقي مجددا للتكلم باللغة العربية.

أقترح يومي الثلاثاء و الخميس نحو الساعة عاشرة صباحا بتوقيت نيو يورك.

المكان سوف يكون على كوكب الأرض في قسم اللغة العربية.

هل تناسبكم هذه التواريخ؟
