How many vocabularies?

Haw many vocobularies should be memorize in one day?..

I don’t know as there is an amount you “should” learn in a day. It really depends on where you are in your language learning. I haven’t personally kept track of how much vocabulary I’m learning each day. I have found I get much more value by concentrating on comprehensible input and less on learning vocabulary. I tend to learn new words passively, by hearing them and looking them up. Although in the beginning, I just used Duolingo and a few other apps to learn. Therefore, I have no idea how much new vocabulary I was learning each day.
If you are someone who likes to have a number goal, maybe 20 to 100 words a day. Depending on how well you retain the new words after initial introduction.


Hello Alimovic,

For me not more than 10 words or expressions per day. Memory is not my strongest point, so I don’t want to overload myself with this. When I was preparing my language exams I was memorizing or repeating more words or expressions per day.

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