Hola - Hola - Salut - Ciao - Oi - Hi - Hallo - Hoi - Hej - Привет from Mexico

I am Alberto, from Mexico.

I am a language and linguistics enthusiast, a Foreign Language student and a future interpreter, translator and subtitler. I am so glad to participate for the first time at this global event where I hope to meet people from all over the world. By discovering different cultures and languages, I also want to be able to exchange knowledge and improve my skills.

I am fascinated by how each language is a unique representation of a certain society and how each one of them reflects another point of view and shapes our reality.

I am eager to meet speakers not only from the languages I already have some notions of, but also from the not-so-known ones for me.

So far I have been learning French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Arabic and I am keen on going further: Iceandic, Frisian, Romansh, Romanian, Finnish, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian, Greek, Welsh…

Hope to become acquainted so soon with you, guys!

Greetings from Puebla!


Hola Alberto!

Estaba en Yucatan durante mucho tiempo asi que me encanto leer tu post! Nunca he ido a Puebla y me encantaria ir algun dia. cuidate mucho!


That’s just awesome Alberto. I like so much your approach to language learning!

I was about to open a new topic for my self introduction, however I decide to drop it by here better.

This is Jhony, from Ecuador. I’m currently learning my fifth language, Italian.

French, Portuguese, English and Spanish(native) are those that I can communicate in a B2, C1 level.

I definitely enjoy the process of learning about the culture by readig-listening-watching stuff and of course getting to know people either presencial or by online meetings.

Intecultural connection and relationships are the best thing in this learning journey :slight_smile:

Looking forward to my first Polyglot Conference experience. Already loving the vibes and message Richard Simcott is sending in advance!

Cheers to all beautiful people around!
Nos vemos!


Hey Alberto,

nice to meet you. Your mix of languages looks somewhat unique. I like it. Like @Jhony said, I also like your approach to language learning and view of the world.

I am fascinated by how each language is a unique representation of a certain society and how each one of them reflects another point of view and shapes our reality.

Currently I’m learning Spanish in order to spend a semester abroad. Favourably at the Ibero in México next year.


Hola, Kim.

Mucho gusto.

Qué bueno leer tu comentario. ¿En qué parte de Yucatán estuviste? Yo viví en Cancún; ¿lo conoces?

¡Eres bienvenida en Puebla, cuando gustes visitar la ciudad y el estado!

Con mucho gusto puedo ayudarte con el español. ¡Qué bien lo escribes! Espero seguir en contacto contigo y contar sobre nuestros intereses de aprender idiomas.


Hi, @Jhony.

Nice to meet you. Thanks a lot for stopping by and having me dropped your introduction.

How fascinating that you are learning already your fifth one; Italian is my favourite language by far… It expresses such a magnificent melody and happiness.

I do hope that we could share our interest in language learning. By the way, how do you usually get into them? What tips or guidance work for you?

I am also eager to discover and meet other languages, people and cultures.

I hope to hear soon from you.

¡Saludos desde México! :mexico:


Hallo, @Felix! Wie geht‘s!?

Echt klasse! Thank you for taking the time to write me and telling me about the ‘unique’ mix. As you may imagine, this forum is so helpful to get to meet new people whose passion for languages is the same as mine.

Yes, and I am particularly interested in learning how each one of them has different aspects that helps us to understand how speakers perceive the world from a specific view.

German has been my friend/enemy for many years, haha, but I do hope to improve it a lot by interacting with people like you and ho give me a hand with it.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the conference and to help each other with it.

Danke sehr und bis bald.

Geniß von? dieser Veranstaltung!


Saludos y felicitaciones para tí Alberto. For how long have you studied all those languages? Amazing…

Tanto tiempo viviendo en Puebla y no sé como no encontré gente como tú, for real. Espero podamos hablar, por ser prácticamente vecinos entre todos quienes usan esta página además. Otherwise I feel that I’ll get good news from you soon or later.
For real,
Solo recientemente me he metido en compromiso con aprender “bien” a pulir mis gustos por los idiomas y la lingüística pero, conozco a muchos que como tú se destacan por tu actitud y logros recientes. Mis mejores deseos y en contacto.

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Schöne Grüße vom Missouri und Saluut/Prost!

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C’était trop cool de te trouver aujourd’hui à la salle de français @Alberto

J´espère d’avoir l’occasion de continuer à bavarder un peu!