Hi, I’m Hannah!


It’s me, HannahMac from Zürich, Switzerland! About me: A keen linguist from the UK living in CH. .

My native or near-native languages: English
My C1/C2 languages: French
My B1/B2 languages: Swiss German

My A1/A2 languages: Italian
Scots Gaelic
I also want to learn or have started to learn: Vietnamese
…and any other languages from around the world!

To find out more about me, you can visit https://www.twitter.com/haannaahmac.

Looking forward to talking with you all and sharing our love of languages!


Gruëzi, Hannah! I used to work in Lenzburg, about 30 minutes east of Zurich. I’d love to go back.

I learned high German from a CD Rom and a Berlitz book, but I would hear and learn Swiss-German from Croatian immigrants who worked at my hotel. I was very confused. I only spent 4 months there, so my German was B1 level (my guess). This was 22 years ago, and I haven’t tried to resurrect my German language yet. I’m working on Spanish, Italian, and Russian.


hi, Hannah, nice to meet you, i’m mexican native spanish speaker, learning german and french :slight_smile: i’m curious about swiss german cause it sounds like a mix of lowgerman with some other languages, darf ich dir bei twitter folgen?