It’s me, HannahMac from Zürich, Switzerland! About me: A keen linguist from the UK living in CH. .
My native or near-native languages: English
My C1/C2 languages: French
My B1/B2 languages: Swiss German
My A1/A2 languages: Italian
Scots Gaelic
I also want to learn or have started to learn: Vietnamese
…and any other languages from around the world!
Gruëzi, Hannah! I used to work in Lenzburg, about 30 minutes east of Zurich. I’d love to go back.
I learned high German from a CD Rom and a Berlitz book, but I would hear and learn Swiss-German from Croatian immigrants who worked at my hotel. I was very confused. I only spent 4 months there, so my German was B1 level (my guess). This was 22 years ago, and I haven’t tried to resurrect my German language yet. I’m working on Spanish, Italian, and Russian.
hi, Hannah, nice to meet you, i’m mexican native spanish speaker, learning german and french i’m curious about swiss german cause it sounds like a mix of lowgerman with some other languages, darf ich dir bei twitter folgen?