Hi Every1

Hi there! I’m Tia. I’m From the republic of Georgia living in Utah, USA

Currently struggling to find the conference link…


Hi. Did you ever manage to find the conference link? It would have been in one of the emails from the conference organisers on Friday, assuming you registered on Eventbrite before then, or it might still be on its way to you if you registered today.

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Not really. Someone posted the conference info on italki but I never got the link :woman_shrugging:t2:

You might not have registered for the Live Environment yet then (that’s what you need in order to be able to view the talks, join the live chat rooms, take part in the quizzes and so on) - if you haven’t, then you can register for the Live Environment at https://polyglotconference.com/global-register/ - the organisers have asked people to use the same name and email address as you used to register for this forum.

Once you have done that, I think you should get an email with any further details you might need to finally be able to access everything else.

Good luck! :grinning:

Found it! Thanks so much!