I am advocating that my language will not become extinct. The only way forward is to raise more speakers…Add my language into your list of Languages to learn…
Igbo amaka. I speak at the conference and provide an insight and window into my world. Are you curious?
Sawubona Nkiru! I’m greeting you in isiZulu, from the south of our continent my brother.
I am so glad to see that you are promoting the Igbo language here at the conference.
I find it astonishing that my continent rejoices in the end of colonialism, but continue to embrace the colonial languages to the detriment of our own vernacular beauty.
Keep going Nkiru!
I am also scheduled to give a talk at the conference. It is called “AFRIKA, VUSELELA ULIMI LWEBELE! AFRICA, REVIVE THE MOTHER TONGUE!”
Miskien kan afrikalande en mense albei doen: die behoud van inheemse tale en 'n hoë vlak van kennis in internasionale tale vir kultuur en handel. Polyglotisme is 'n afrika-eienskap en sterkte. Ek is oortuig dat met verdere toename in bevolkings- en ekonomiese mag meer mense afrikatale sal begin leer.
Peut-être que les pays et les peuples africains peuvent faire les deux : préserver les langues autochtones et un haut niveau de connaissances dans les langues internationales pour la culture et le commerce. Le polyglotisme est un trait et une force africains. Je suis convaincu qu’avec une nouvelle augmentation de la population et du pouvoir économique, plus de gens commenceront à apprendre les langues africaines.
Ja, dankie Ron. Ek stem grotendeels met jou antwoord saam. Die probleem met jou stelling het te make met die woordjie “behoud”. Ons moet definieër wat dit beteken. 'n Groot deel van ons Afrika tale is nog nooit gestandaardiseer nie, en so sweef baie woorde en betekenisse nog in die lug rond. Godsdienstige tekste soos die Bybel het al inderdaad 'n rol begin speel in die standaardisering van ons tale, maar daar is baie, baie min Afrika-tale wat al uitgebou is om gebruik te word in die hoë funksies soos ander wêreld-tale. Ek voel die beste boeke en kennis van die koloniale tale moet vertaal word in ons kontinent se inheemse tale, verder moet ons tale uitgebou word in elke fasset van die lewe. Ongelukkig is die huidige stand van sake iets van 'n innerlike nagevolg van die koloniale era waarin die gekoloniseerdes hulle eie tale as minderwaardig beskou.
Johan thanks so much for your response. I will be looking forward to your talk. Your comment of continuation of the colonial language and turn our back on the native language is spot on.
Yes, the practice sessions are for everyone. Also be sure to check out Millie’s Introduction to Igbo talk in Saturn Theatre. If you filter under “Regional” you’ll find it along with the other languages italki created with their Teachers for the conference: Swahili, Basque, American Sign Langauge, Welsh and Burmese. All the teachers who put in their time and effort to introduce their languages have volunteered to lead practice room sessions to help teach other more about their languages.