Hello! 你好!こんにちは!

Hello! 你好!こんにちは!

I’m Vanessa from sunny Singapore and this is my first year joining the Polyglot Conference. As a Chinese Singaporean, I’ve learnt English and Mandarin Chinese from young, and I unofficially started learning Japanese from middle school after having been exposed to anime and shows. I did one semester of Japanese lessons in university in 2018 which then led to me officially studying for the JLPT. I’ve taken N5 to N3, and am now at N2 level, though I won’t be able to take the test this year because of COVID restrictions.

Other than Japanese, I’m also currently learning Korean, Finnish, Spanish, Estonian and Indonesian, while also dabbling in Hungarian. I’m want to improve on speaking especially for Korean and also Spanish, and hopefully will one day be able to reach the same level as Japanese.



Hello Vanessa, amazing your effort on learning. I am currently learning mandarin and improving my Spanish, if you’d like help let me know and we can practice together.

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