Hello! I'm Brandon from the USA

Hi everybody, my name is Brandon and I’m from California. I currently live in Mexico and this will be the first time i’m signing up with the Polyglot Conference. I love languages, music, and dance. I especially love traditional musics and dance. In the US, I’ve played piano, ukulele, tin whistle, and Indonesian gamelan. I’ve also danced and taught Irish ceili dancing.

My hopes are to continue to teach languages and help my friends and my home of the San Francisco Bay Area to connect to different language communities. I hope I can also do this wherever I live… I’m currently struggling to build up my business of teaching languages from the basics with TPRS. I’ve only taken the TPRS (Teacher Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) workshop this summer, 2020. It’s very promising with some and with others… I need to adapt it better.

Do you appreciate or practice any of the arts? Is anybody here also a language teacher?