Hello, I am Heather and I am addicted to languages

Hi everyone! I am an American living in the Netherlands. I was hoping to make some friends with people who love languages. I am kind of shy, but I decided this year not to be shy anymore.

I have loved languages since it occurred to me that they were taught in school and could be learned (for some reason it hit me like a freight train all at once).
I started learning Spanish in Junior High School and the next year I added French. In college, I studied a bit of Russian. Then years later, I learned of a place near my house that was teaching Swedish and I fell in love with Swedish.
I started learning Dutch after moving to the Netherlands.
I am now focusing on Italian.

Most people would probably consider me a dabbler, but how could you not be when there are so many languages out there just begging to be learned/studied. I don’t speak these languages to a high level, but I decided this year that I will work to change that. It is time to brush off the dust on my languages.


Hi Heather! I can totally relate with you. Sometimes I wish I can focus on just 1-2 languages but then sooo many other languages seem like so much fun, I always end up dabbling in a lil bit of everything. My wishlist now consists of 6 languages and counting!


Welcome Heather,
I, too, am a bit of a dabbler. I am so enthusiastic about languages that I’m trying to simultaneously learn 6 to different levels.
I am happy to see a fellow shy person. I’ve only recently put myself out there, at least online. I’m sure you’ll have a great time at the Polyglot Conference. Everyone seems so wonderful and welcoming.
Languages are great!


Hi Heather,

Nice name :slight_smile:

I also and hoping to make some friends with people who love langugages - I would love to be your friend! I am not particularly shy, but I find that making friends as an adult can be more challenging than when we were kids.

I don’t think dabbler is the right word - there are many languages in the world and they are all interesting, and unless you have an immediate need to converse in one, you might spend time picking up words or phrases in many languages, or hanging out observing another culture through movies, music or other media. I like the word “enthusiast” instead!



Hi Heather! Welcome to the forum! We’re very happy to have you with us, and we hope that you have a lot of fun with all of us practice languages and talking about them. :slight_smile:

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Hi Heather! I’m also Heather (from Canada) and I’m also addicted to languages. As a high school language teacher, I’m thrilled to read your story. I wish more of my students shared your enthusiasm for languages!


You are definitely not alone in brushing off and improving different languages. I learned Spanish to Intermediate level while living in a country where it is spoken and have found that over time it has been buried by my efforts to learn a new one. I will be focusing on strengthening the language I am learning currently while watching and listening to things passively for entertainment in Spanish. Cant wait to see how it pays off . PErhaps there will be some suggestions during the conference on how to keep our various languages alive and improving. We shall see!


Hi Astari,

What are the 6 languages that are on your list?

Hi Heather,

Yeah, when I first heard people explain what a dabbler in languages was, I felt like was kind of a put down. Now, I don’t really care anymore.
I have come to terms with where I am in my languages and I just plan to do my own thing. I decided I am happy as long as I am making progress. :slight_smile:

I think enthusiast is a better description. Thanks!


My wishlist so far would be Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, and Swedish. What about you? I sometimes wish I get paid to learn those so I’d just quit my job to have all the time in the world! :joy:


This has been my wish for so many years! To get paid to learn languages!! I daydream about this. I even studied for and took the US Foreign Service test since they pay you to learn at least one language, maybe even more. Sadly, my writing skills weren’t up to their standards and I moved on instead of trying again.

Currently my focus is Italian, Spanish, French, Swedish, Dutch and Russian. I am trying not to introduce any new ones until I get these were I want them.

In the background I am also interested in Persian, Thai, Croatian, maybe Korean at some point


Hi Heather!

How do you like life in the Netherlands? I’m Dutch so I’m curious! For me, it really depends on the person whether I’m going to be talkative or not. With some people I’m super quiet and honestly don’t know what to say to them, with others I’m more outgoing. Usually those are people that share the same interests as I do. I’m just very bad at small talk…

Anyway, I relate to being a dabbler a lot haha. I try not to, but it is so tempting… Like you said, there are just so many languages out there. It’s very hard to choose! But as long as you’re having fun with the language(s), that’s all that matters. Keep the love for your languages going!


Hi Elise,

I love living in the Netherlands. It’s funny because a lot of Dutch people assume because I am American and married to an American that my time here is limited, not long term. :smiley:

I am not very good at small talk either! In English, it isn’t so bad, but in other languages forget about it. I have to work on this. :wink:


Ha, that’s funny! I can imagine why though, with many cities having lots of expats/international students who really are only here temporarily. That doesn’t mean all of them are, of course! How long have you been living here?

For me it’s not dependent on the language, I think. I wish it was, so there was at least one language where I could be good at small talk… :sweat_smile:


Hiya Heather! Another American dabbler here, although I prefer dilettante because it sounds fancier :laughing:
I’m so jealous of your life in the Netherlands-I visited once and it seems like an absolutely amazing country. And I’m working on overcoming my natural shyness too. Life’s too weird now not to throw yourself out there. It’s made easier because everybody on here is a fellow language nut. Cheers and see you around!


Hi Heather!
I too feel like I am addicted to languages! Since I was young they have held so much interest to me. I only recently started actually learning them, but I too have a lengthy Wish list!
So glad I got to know more about you! :slight_smile:

I’m finding Vietnamese to be great fun! I started with pronunciation and tones, but since there are no tenses, conjugations, genders, you can move pretty quickly. I’m learning the northern dialect because that’s where I spend the most time under non-pandemic circumstances, but there seem to be a similar number of resources in the southern dialect.

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Hi Heather,
Nice to meet you. I am addicted to languages too! That’s how I describe myself. Nothing wrong with dabbling! Personally, I’m not worried about achieving a high level of fluency in any one language. I like the idea of being able to speak to many different people in many different langauges I hope you enjoy the conference. One one hand it’s a shame it’s all online but on the other hand it means that more people can attend who wouldn’t be able to.
Good luck with the Italian learning.

Hello Heather,

I would love to teach you Igbo. Igbo is one of the major Languages in Nigeria and faced with extinction. I will be leading conversational practices during the conference. I invite you all to attend…I am looking forward to meeting so many new people…


I would like to learn it. But, as I answered in another message, Igbo doesn’t face extinction. it’s vulnerable, yes, but it’s not facing extinction. it’s a living language. So you can breathe quietly.

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