I am so excited to attend Polyglot Global Conference again this year! I attended LangFest in Montreal in 2019, and I had so much fun attending the presentations and meeting fellow language enthusiasts! Then I discovered the Polyglot Gathering and the Glasgow Language Festival. Fantastic!
I am an ESL Teacher and an aspiring Spanish to English translator. I studied French in high school, so I was a bit rusty, but thanks to LingQ, my French is steadily coming back. I am Italian on my Dad’s side, but alas, as he was American-born, I never learned the language. However, I am Scottish on my mother’s side, and I am proud to say I have a wee bit of Glaswegian Scots.
I also enjoy performing Broadway productions with community theater, and I am working on a few Italian Art Songs with my voice teacher. I am a firm believer in learning language through music. So, I am excited about the scheduled talks and activities in this area!