Hello/Hola de Washington, DC!

(English below)

Hola todos! Me llamo Brandon y soy un maestro de matemáticas a una escuela primaria bilingüe (EN/ES) en Washington, DC. ¡El aprendizaje de idiomas siempre ha sido una pasión mía! Hablo inglés, español, mandarín, y francés a niveles conversacionales (o más) y puede entender bastante bien el portugués, eslovaco, y alemán.

Al momento, estudio islandés (ya lo he empezado muchisísimas veces) pero estoy tratando muy fuerte que solamente me enfoco en un idioma a la vez. No me desvío nunca y absolutamente me mata el progreso. Hasta ahora, todo va bien con el islandés esta vez :slight_smile:

Aparte de los idiomas, me encantan el hockey sobre hielo, tocar la música, y explorar nuevos lugares. Acabo de mudarme a DC de NYC (después de pasar un año en Corea) y soy muy entusiasmado por explorar la ciudad :slight_smile:

No dudes en presentarte si me ves!

Hey everyone! My name is Brandon and I’m a bilingual (EN/ES) elementary math teacher in Washington, DC. Language learning has always been a passion of mine! I speak English, Spanish, Mandarin, and French to conversational degrees or more and I can get myself through conversations in Portuguese, Slovak, and German.

At the moment, I’m learning Icelandic (for the billionth time I feel like) but I’m doing my best to only focus on one language at a time. I always have issues staying on track and it absolutely kills my progress. So far, things are going well with Icelandic though.

Among topics other than languages, I love ice hockey, playing music, and exploring new places! I’ve just moved to DC from NYC (after spending a year in Korea) and so I’m psyched to be able to explore the city :slight_smile:

Feel free to say hello whenever you see me!


Bienvenido al evento, @BrandonRivington! Saludos desde Colombia :colombia:

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Hello Brandon, I love your energy and positivity. I was smiling reading your short bio and thinking how good it is to get to meet inspiring people like this. :blue_heart::blue_heart:
I hope you have all the fun in NYC. All of it, just for you. :grin::grin:

Thank you so much, Betsega! I certainly don’t think of myself as inspiring but I’m always happy when I’m language-ing so that’s where the positivity comes from :upside_down_face: Where are you from?

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Well, your joy is overflowing you without you meaning to. :slight_smile:
I’m from Ethiopia. 24. Working as a freelance translator and interpreter between my native tongue Amharic (the working language here) and English. I’ve been learning Korean for the past two years. It’s been so much of a joy that I just know I need to keep learning languages for the rest of my life. I’ve started by revising the French I took in middle school and am planning to start learning Chinese in a few weeks. I’m so excited for that, it’s as if
I’m waiting for a package to arrive, the days aren’t moving fast enough.

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No way!!! In DC, we have a huge Ethiopian population! Every other person I hear is speaking Amharic! I love the music and it’s really been pushing me to learn the language!

I learned a bit of Korean while I lived there but Chinese is an amazing language! I love it :slight_smile: