Hello from DC!

Hi Everyone, my name is Kaitlyn. I live just outside DC in the US (Bethesda, MD), and I’ve been a total language geek since I was a child. English is my native language, and my Spanish and Mandarin are advanced (but a bit rusty). I’m at an Advanced Beginner level in Russian (maybe Intermediate on a good day!), and my Irish is rudimentary. I’ve dabbled a bit in Swedish and Arabic, and I studied some French at school.

There’s a list of language I hope to learn, but right now I’m trying to get my current languages all at B2 or better before I add any more. This is my very first Polyglot Conference, and I’m very excited to participate and meet everyone!


Hi, Kaitlyn! Nice to meet someone else from Maryland.

I’m Fred, and I live in MD but closer to Baltimore than DC. My parents are from Taiwan, so I can speak Mandarin Chinese and a little bit of Taiwanese. I was born and raised in the US, so English is my primary language. I’ve also learned Spanish and Japanese. I’ve also dabbled in a bunch of others, but those are the languages I’d feel comfortable claiming to speak. I’ve previously attend the Polyglot Conference and LangFest.
我是陳維民. 我的爸爸媽媽是從台灣來的,所以我會講國語,也會一點台語. 我是在美國出生長大的,所以我會講英文. 我也學過了日文和西班牙文.
Yo soy Fred. Aprendí español cuando asistía a la escuela secundaria. Mis padres son de Taiwan. Por eso, puedo hablar chino y taiwanés. También puedo hablar japonés.


你好 Fred! 认识你很高兴!我从来没去过台湾,但是很多人告诉我台湾是非常漂亮的地方。 我希望我一天能去看一看。

Español fue la primera idioma extranjera yo estudiaba en mi vida. En Los Estados Unidos, hay muchas escuelas que requieren que los estudiantes estudian el español o el francés, así yo estudiaba mucho español y un poquito francés :slight_smile: ¡Mucho gusto, Fred!


I have met a few polyglots in the DC and Baltimore area at LangFest and the Polyglot Conference. I can connect you if you’d like. Hopefully, more people from this area will introduce themselves.

Fred 和 Kaitlyn, 你們好! 我也住在 Maryland! (Silver Spring)

Yo también hablo español y chino y hablaba francés en una vida pasada pero esos días no lo hablo mucho.

I’ve studied tons of languages over the years but English, Spanish, Mandarin, and French are probably my strongest.

I would love to get to know more language-lovers in the area (I’ve just moved here a couple of months ago)!

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Brandon, 很高興認識你! Estoy feliz conocerte.

I’ve been trying to get the polyglots I know in this area to introduce themselves. Hopefully they will soon and get other polyglots they know to introduce themselves.

I should also mention that I’m also going out with someone in MD who’s multilingual. We share 4 languages in common. She might introduce herself here.

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This is great Fred! You two will never run out of words :grin:

One would/could assume that …:wink:.

Hi everyone, my name is Tiffany and am only recently learning about the polyglot community! I admit I have not been actively learning languages since my earlier years in college over a decade ago but would at the least love to keep up with the languages I have learned/studied. Nice to connect here!

Tenía una profesora de español muy exigente (especialmente en el colegio) que nos inculcó el disfrute de la ética de trabajo, lo que todavía conllevo a esta día. Usó el método socrático y nuestra clase nos involucramos en discursos muy interesantes, algunos filosóficos. Que lástima hay un rato que he hablado en español, ojalá que pudiera ocuparme más con comunidades hispánicas. ¡Mucho gustó todo el mundo!

我小時候我父母教我學繁體字,用‘ㄅㄆㄇㄈ’。 他們是從台灣來美國。我那時候的書教我們小朋友叫自己‘海外的中國人’。然后我去中国教会学简体字。我的中国学校的老师大部分是从大陆。我第一次记忆的演讲是 叫‘创造天地’。好幸福现在好容易用拼音学中文。大家平安!

Wa diyeh wayeh chu gong daiyi umgo wa gam gak ooh kuling volang di jia zhaiya wah jima lee gong shya. Dai yi ooh gao deh bid! Hyee vong dalang huahi kuailog kenkong!