My name is Aidan and I am a language enthusiast from the USA. It’s so nice to be on the Polyglot Conference Forum!
A little about my languages: I’ve been studying languages for a little over a year. I was never serious with my studies until about May of 2020, and since then, I’ve learned more about languages and how to properly study them. As of today, I’m learning Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, French and Korean. I am a beginner in all of those languages but I’m making more progress every day! Soon I will begin studying German and Mandarin Chinese.
Feel free to follow me on my social media accounts! Instagram and Twitter are both @aidanstudies.
I also run a language resource platform via Google Classroom, and if you’re interested in contributing resources to a lovely community join using this link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTU5MjExNDQ5MTQ3?cjc=umhpngh.
I look forward to interacting with you all more here!