Hey everyone! I’m Marietta from Switzerland (as mentioned above ) It’s my first time to be a part of Polyglot Conference and it will be my third language-related online event.
As most of us, I love studying languages Beside my native language (Swiss-German, German), I speak italiano, français, English, español, 日本語、한국어 and 中文 (learning order)。Atm I’m focusing more on the last three languages.
Gruezi, Marietta! Meine Schweize Deutsch ist nicht zehr gut . I worked for 4 months in Lenzburg (30 minutes west of Zurich) a long time ago. I have many fond memories. I probably spoke at a B1 level, but it has gone unused. I understand a handful of basic phrases. Danke viel mal. Tschuss!
Hallo! Das kenn ich. Wenn man eine Sprache nicht regelmässig benutzt, vergisst man schnell. Mach dir keine Sorgen! Während des Events kannst du sicher viel üben
I hope to get back to it soon. One of my friends is German and I really should try to practice with her. However, I want to maintain focus on Spanish for the rest of the year (hopefully feel comfortable at a B2 level), and also keep up with Russian to get to B1 so I don’t lose it like I lost my German. Same goes for Italian and French. (I know, polyglot problems.)
I know, right? I would like to keep up with all the languages I know and learn more but I have to focus on only a few at the same time. In this way I can give them enough attention to improve/maintain.