Hallo aus der Schweiz(スイス/스위스/瑞士)

Hey everyone! I’m Marietta from Switzerland (as mentioned above :grin:) It’s my first time to be a part of Polyglot Conference and it will be my third language-related online event.

As most of us, I love studying languages :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Beside my native language (Swiss-German, German), I speak italiano, français, English, español, 日本語、한국어 and 中文 (learning order)。Atm I’m focusing more on the last three languages.


한국어는 아직도 잘못 하는데 시간이 있을 때 드라마를 보거나 말하기 연습을 한다. 올해 토픽 2 시험을 보려고 정했는데 못해서 내년에 할까 생각한다.


Let’s enjoy the Polyglot Conference!


Gruezi, Marietta! Meine Schweize Deutsch ist nicht zehr gut :roll_eyes:. I worked for 4 months in Lenzburg (30 minutes west of Zurich) a long time ago. I have many fond memories. I probably spoke at a B1 level, but it has gone unused. I understand a handful of basic phrases. Danke viel mal. Tschuss!

Hallo! Das kenn ich. :sweat_smile: Wenn man eine Sprache nicht regelmässig benutzt, vergisst man schnell. Mach dir keine Sorgen! Während des Events kannst du sicher viel üben :+1:


I hope to get back to it soon. One of my friends is German and I really should try to practice with her. However, I want to maintain focus on Spanish for the rest of the year (hopefully feel comfortable at a B2 level), and also keep up with Russian to get to B1 so I don’t lose it like I lost my German. Same goes for Italian and French. (I know, polyglot problems.)



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I know, right? I would like to keep up with all the languages I know and learn more but I have to focus on only a few at the same time. In this way I can give them enough attention to improve/maintain.

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