Greetings from Malaysia

Thanks for sharing info about your company! I’m surprised that there is utalk in Malaysia! I’m your neighbour and wonder whether there is any Utalk company in Singapore

Hi Adrian

Actually I report to the London office :slight_smile:
I’m currently stuck back home in Penang due to the covid situation.

Nice to meet you!

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How I wish to speak in Penang Hokkien. My mom is from Penang. She always complained that how nice she could find Penang people to converse in Penang Hokkien rather than bland Sg Hokkien lol.

Me too actually! I began writing first then I started to get invested in the genre. I especially love the more detective/agent style of urban fantasy. Will check out the city and the city. the title alone promises for discombobulation haha

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Oh in that case I also recommend any one of the Rivers of London books by Ben Aaronovitch, if you haven’t read them already :slight_smile: The Latin incantations he uses for his characters’ spells are kind of iffy, but other than that, the books are highly entertaining.

Hi Brian. Seronok ada orang Malaysia bertutur bahasa Malaysia di Polygot conference. Saya seorang ahli bahasa daripada Selangor. Kali pertama di konferens ini. Saya hanya boleh menggunakan BM dan BI saja.

Hi Cik Rogayah,

Selamat sejahtera. Saya orang utara dari Perak.
Kini bermastautin di Hong Kong.
Belajar BM sampai Tingkatan Enam tetapi sudah lama tidak guna dah.

Harap kalau ada peluang, dapat bersua.


Hii! I am Joshe from the Philippines. Mabuhay!