Greetings from Barcelona!

Hi, guys!

I just joined this forum! I am from Barcelona and I have been working as a Digital Marketer for many years now. Learning languages have always been a hobby for me and currently I am learning Swedish and Chinese. I am also trying to improve other languages that I speak.

See you around!



Welcome to the Conference! Hope you enjoy it here.

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Hello and welcome! :slight_smile:

I’m also learning Norwegian and Mandarin Chinese, I’m still a beginner but I’m not in a hurry and I’m having fun :slight_smile: How are you learning these languages? I’m using Duolingo for Norwegian and I listen to a podcast while doing the dishes. I study kanjis using a book and I follow a few youtube channels :slight_smile:

Salut Goran, bienvenu sur le forum ! J’aimerais un jour voyager à Barcelone et apprendre le catalan !