Føroyskt / Faroese - Anybody actively learning it?

Is there anybody at the conference actively learning Faroese? Or just started learning it (or even soon)? I’ve been learning it for about six months (plus some minor passive learning in 2016) and participate in the faroese language online community.
I’d love to meet more people learning this rather small but very alive language :smiley:



Hi Guido!
If you want resources to learn Foroysk, I can sent them to your mail.
Te mando un saludo

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Definitely on the bucket list!

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Hi Matias! I do have the material already (books to learn, literature, website, TV). I’m looking for people to practice with :smiley:

Let me know when you decide to start! There’s quite a lot of material for such a small language :smiley:

Also in my to do list

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