Feedback on schedule: dont work for 1/2 hour timezone in India

I had to change the timezoon in my computer in order to get the timings for the events in the Programme of the to show.
Indian Standard Time is 5 1/2 hours offset from UK time, and with this setting of timezone in the computer-settings the timings of the scheduled events don’t show at all. Nothing.
With Bangladesh Time which is 6 hours off it works fine. Very tricky but simple to fix if you know how to do it, but be careful, other things in your computer may go wrong.


FYI: Time table for today’s events is out of order. Very confusing.


I’m also wondering if there are any events scheduled from 12:00 noon to 14:00 EST today. As I mentioned in my previous post, the events are out of order. The first one I see starts at 14:30.

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