Kaixo! Zer moduz? Ongi? Niretzat oso ohorea daukat euskara hitz egitea eta zuekin praktikatzeko.
Dudarik gabe, konferentzia honetan gauza hoberena da munduan hizkuntzari buruz.
Lagunok, ongi etorri euskal hizkuntza eta euskal kultura ezagutzen!
I have always wanted to learn Basque since the time when I started learning Spanish.
Kaixo kuadrilla! Ikaragarri polita da euskaraz hitz egitea hemen elkarrekin!
What are you waiting for? No time like the present to get started.
Kaixo! Basque got my attention after watching a movie called the Spanish Affair (Ocho Apellidos Vascos) and I enjoyed the simple introductory video here by an Italki teacher hope I can learn more someday!
I forgot to mention I have a free mini-course. If you want it let me know and I’ll post the link for you.
¿Cuándo empezaste a aprender español?
Kaixo Astari! Ahh, funny movie and some very true cultural references in the movie. Have you watched Ocho Apellido Catalanes?
Kaixo Kolonbiatik, lagunok! Euskara dut hizkuntzarik gogokoena eta EGAduna naiz (hau da C1-maila dut euskaraz). Euskaldunen hizkuntzak eta kulturak txoratzen naute. Euskara hobeto ezagutu nahi baduzue, gustora lagunduko dizuet. Horretaz gain, beste hizkuntza gutxitu batzuk ere ikasitakoa naiz eta gehiago ikasi nahi ditut, baina euskara bereziena da niretzat. Bide batez, zergatik ote daude, zuen ustez, hain poliglota gutxi munduan, euskaraz dakitenak?
No, I haven’t seen the Catalan one, unfortunately, because I think it’s not on Netflix (I saw Ocho Apellidos Vascos 2 on Netflix). If you have any reference on where/how I could find Basque/Catalan movies that would be great!
Hello Astari,
That film is a Spanish good one! Do you know that there’s a second part called “Ocho apellidos catalanes”? It’s also a hilarious one! I encourage you to watch it.
Hi Carmen, would love to watch Ocho Apellidos Catalanes as also recommended by @basqueinlanguages but unfortunately it’s not available on my Netflix. There is however a new Catalan series, Benvinguts a la famĂlia and it’s on my watch list
Hi Astari,
After writing to you I saw some people had already suggested the second part… I don’t know this Catalan series! Interesting! I hope you like it! How cool you’re learning Catalan! How come?
Well I haven’t started yet actually, I have a very long list of languages to dabble in. There are too many interesting ones including Catalan, and I just love introducing my ears to new languages through movies/series