Ekpeye resources?

Hello polyglot friends,

I thought I might check here to see if anyone might have resources for learning ekpeye. I’ve recently made a new friend in Nigeria and I’d like to learn a little I’d his native language. Any help or information would be most welcome.

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I have had some luck in finding a few resources for learning ekpeye and I thought I might share them here for anyone that might have interest.

I am currently a part of a WhatsApp group that is teaching basic ekpeye for the month of June. You can join via this link: bit.ly/survivalekpeye
This is presented by a wonderful group: Speak Ekpeye Fluently. You can find them online at www.speakekpeyefluently.com They are also on Instagram, @ekpeye_language_hub and on Facebook as a group titled: Speak Ekpeye Fluently

As this is a very small language, I am happy to be able to find a few things to work with. The internet is amazing and, with enough searching, you can find almost anything.

Another new resource for learning ekpeye. It is a web based app released by Speak Ekpeye Fluently. The site is: 7000.org/ekpeye and it is a well rounded introduction to the language. They have writing, reading, listening, and speaking exercises. I am very impressed with what they are doing.

I have been busy with life things, but I wanted to update my search for resources in ekpeye. I decided to make my own. I have created charts with pictures and only the ekpeye vocabulary so I can learn to associate the word with the item/concept without using English as my translation tool. I would be glad to share these with anyone that is interested. So far I have created charts for the body, household items, animals, insects, birds, family members and prepositions.

I have also won a copy of the book Eyolukanyi which is a collection of folk tales, proverbs and a small dictionary in ekpeye. Which is great for a kind of comprehensible input.

You can try Ekpeye speakers through language exchange apps like Tandem or HelloTalk. Your new friend might also be willing to help you practice. You can also check platforms like Udemy or Coursera for any available courses on Ekpeye or related languages.