Ekpeye resources?

Hello polyglot friends,

I thought I might check here to see if anyone might have resources for learning ekpeye. I’ve recently made a new friend in Nigeria and I’d like to learn a little I’d his native language. Any help or information would be most welcome.

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I have had some luck in finding a few resources for learning ekpeye and I thought I might share them here for anyone that might have interest.

I am currently a part of a WhatsApp group that is teaching basic ekpeye for the month of June. You can join via this link: bit.ly/survivalekpeye
This is presented by a wonderful group: Speak Ekpeye Fluently. You can find them online at www.speakekpeyefluently.com They are also on Instagram, @ekpeye_language_hub and on Facebook as a group titled: Speak Ekpeye Fluently

As this is a very small language, I am happy to be able to find a few things to work with. The internet is amazing and, with enough searching, you can find almost anything.

Another new resource for learning ekpeye. It is a web based app released by Speak Ekpeye Fluently. The site is: 7000.org/ekpeye and it is a well rounded introduction to the language. They have writing, reading, listening, and speaking exercises. I am very impressed with what they are doing.