Does anyone use multilingual dictionaries? Any recommendations?

I read about multilingual dictionaries in a comment, and am very curious as to how people use them in their language pursuits. Is it common? How do you use them?

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You can try this one:

È possibile digitare il testo in una lingua e si può selezionare tra circa 50 lingue che si desidera tradurre in una sola volta.
Vous pouvez taper votre texte dans une langue et sélectionner sur une cinquantaine de langues dans lesquel vous souhaitez traduire à la fois.
Sie können Ihren Text in einer Sprache eingeben und aus etwa 50 Sprachen auswählen, in die Sie gleichzeitig übersetzen möchten.

I hope you will find it a useful tool. Have a nice time during the conference.

I have got a huge legal dictionary here in 4 languages: Le Docte, 4-talig Juridisch Woordenboek, 1982

  1. Francais

  2. Nederlands

  3. English

  4. Deutsch

This professional dictionary has 750 pages and was quite expensive at that time I guess.

I bought it in the past for work.

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I have a picture dictionary on my desk in 5 languages. Just to browse every now and then.