Assimil and Esperanto

Hi there!

I am interested about Esperanto,

Have any of you used the Assimil course to learn it? If not, which resource do you find useful for this purpose?



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Saluton Santiago!
I have been using LERNU.NET it is free and very useful, with some exercises and some grammar. Do not stop at the first course : from your profile you can also find some other resources (media library).
I am also using DUOLINGO: I find it quite useful, too. Moreover, I enrolled myself in a course where we can have a lesson once a week (it costs 6 euro) and it lasts 8 weeks, so a very cheap course! (I found it in Duolingo events).
If you need some other information feel free to contact me!

Saluton Manuela!

El curso del que hablas, es online?



Saluton Santiago,

Actualmente estoy usando Assimil de Esperanto para seguir estudiando en este idioma, pero te recomiendo que comiences con el libro “Complete Esperanto” de la colección Teach Yourself. Además, el curso de esperanto de Duolingo también es bueno.

Mi studas Esperanton de kvin monatoj kaj Äťi estas multe pli facile lernebla lingvo ol aliaj, kiel la angla aĹ­ la franca. Mi jam povas legi librojn kaj aĹ­skulti podkastojn kun nur kelkaj monatoj da studado. Mirinda!


I did use the Assimil Esperanto course myself but I wouldn’t necessarily recommand it to a complete beginner: the level goes up very fast and can be hard to catch up with. I would definitely recommend it to a lower-indeterminate learner however. For a complete beginner Lernu is the probably the way to go, as previously mentioned :wink:

si, es un curso online
and it is free.
here the link:

Danke! Muy amable! Wo bist du?

There where an excellent Assimil Esperanto course, a few decades ago, but it used to be edited…
Nevertheless there are many resources to learn esperanto online.