My native or near-native languages: Greek
My C1/C2 languages: English
My B1/B2 languages: German
My A1/A2 languages: Chinese
I also want to learn or have started to learn: Finnish
Looking forward to talking with you all and sharing our love of languages!
Hi! I also have a long list of languages I am interested in. I really would love advice on how to delve into so many! I really enjoyed learning Spanish. I am kind of worried about not being able to grasp German vocabulary and pronunciation.
I have found the biggest struggle of learning German is the pronunciation. All of my language experience previous to German had a more Spanish style. I had to watch a few videos on how to make the “ch” sound and where in my mouth I should create the “r”. Some days I get it right and others it’s just a mess. The vocabulary isn’t terribly difficult, especially with English as my mother tongue. The grammar is a tiny bit tricky, but with good study it starts to make sense. Viel Glück!
Hi Aspasia! Welcome! I’m excited to meet my first Greek person. Obviously I love Greek food and to me the language has to be one of the top 5 most beautiful to hear, but I don’t speak one word, or know anybody from Greece. I’m Hank from the US. So nice to meet you!